Fermented Food & Beverages To Boost Digestion & Overall Health
27th July, 2020
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How To Meet Your Calcium Needs Without Dairy
Calcium is an essential mineral for all living beings. Not only do we need calcium for healthy bones and teeth, but it’s also important in many other areas such as nerve transmission, muscle contraction, clotting blood and cardiovascular health.Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the body with about 99% of it stored in bones and teeth, the remainder can be found in blood and tissues. The bones act as a reserve of calcium, when we don’t get enough calcium from our diet, the body will start to draw upon the calcium stored within the bones, impacting bone health as we age.Our bones undergo continuous remodelling during our lifetime. Our skeleton is constantly being broken down and replaced with new bone tissue. As we age, the process of bone breakdown can begin to overtake the bone renewal process, which is why it is important to ensure that our calcium intake is adequate.Research conducted by CSIRO and the University of Adelaide found that one in six Australian adults avoid milk and dairy foods. The vast majority of participants reported their reason for avoiding dairy was to avoid the gastrointestinal symptoms they associated with dairy foods1.When we think of how to get more calcium in our diet, we often think of dairy products such as milk, cheese or yoghurt. Calcium is more concentrated in dairy foods than any other food groups, however, calcium also occurs naturally in a wide variety of delicious foods that aren’t dairy. The recommended dietary intake (RDI) of calcium for Australian adults is 1000mg, which is generally achievable with a daily serving of yoghurt, a glass of milk and a serving or two of good cheese.But what about those people who can’t tolerate dairy or those who avoid dairy products for ethical reasons? Are they still able to keep up their calcium intake through food? Well the answer is ‘yes’. There are plenty of delicious foods that can help to keep our calcium levels up and they’re dairy-free!Leafy greensThere are a variety of vegetables which are a great source of calcium, however, they can be high in oxalates which may inhibit calcium absorption, so try to get your calcium from a variety of sources, not just vegetables. Great vegetable sources of calcium are:
Bok choy
Nuts and SeedsMany nuts and seeds are naturally high in calcium and make a great snack or addition to salads or muesli. Those especially high in calcium are:
Chia seeds
Sesame seeds
FishFish with edible bones are a healthy source of calcium. The canned variety are super convenient and are a tasty addition to green leafy salads or simply atop your favourite cracker.
Beans and LentilsThere are many varieties of beans and lentils which are not only extremely versatile but great sources of dairy-free calcium. Try a spicy chickpea curry or a lentil burger with homemade hummus.
Red Beans
White beans
So, if dairy isn’t part of your diet, don’t panic, you’re not destined to a life of brittle bones. There are many healthy choices available when it comes to non-dairy sources of calcium, try a few of the suggestions above and eat your way to healthy, strong bones!References:Yantcheva B, et al. (2015). Food avoidance in an Australian adult population sample: the case of dairy products. Public Health Nutrition (19)9, 1616-1623. Reference Values – National Health and Medical Research Council
10 Fruit & Veggies To Support Your Immune System
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus fringilla tellus, sed dictum dui egestas eu. Ut fringilla, leo vel euismod laoreet, urna elit consequat ligula, sed maximus lacus felis quis elit. Proin vehicula tincidunt neque vitae pulvinar. Donec ante orci, semper at dolor non, hendrerit pellentesque orci. Ut iaculis est a odio sagittis euismod. Etiam non felis finibus, finibus risus id, mollis diam. Pellentesque felis lacus, feugiat non eros tincidunt, sagittis placerat purus. Maecenas sit amet velit ultricies, dignissim justo quis, feugiat justo. Ut pharetra non ligula non luctus. Nullam non consequat mauris, et accumsan justo. In eget tortor velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc tortor quam, facilisis at arcu et, fringilla blandit massa. Suspendisse euismod sed neque nec fringilla.Nunc vitae dui eu tortor mollis molestie et non mauris. Aliquam vestibulum tempor elementum. Integer eu enim sodales, pharetra arcu et, faucibus eros. In sed quam velit. Fusce faucibus pulvinar auctor. Ut a massa id augue ornare efficitur sed sed orci. Proin porta sagittis lacus, in cursus tortor pulvinar eu. Aenean venenatis eu tortor sit amet cursus. Etiam fringilla dui sed porta tempor. Aenean volutpat lacus quis dignissim pellentesque. Donec volutpat eleifend lacus, nec cursus ex varius vitae. Fusce placerat lacus eget auctor commodo. Cras porta sagittis feugiat. Duis molestie elit non erat porttitor, sed elementum nisi accumsan.Proin at nisl eu sem vestibulum volutpat id in nisi. Suspendisse ex leo, lobortis consequat tellus eget, blandit sodales justo. Phasellus placerat nisl in tellus sodales hendrerit. Maecenas venenatis efficitur elit, nec scelerisque quam ultrices nec. Pellentesque at neque velit. Nullam varius enim nibh, sed ultrices lectus posuere tristique. Morbi et tempor enim.Curabitur id metus ac diam facilisis sagittis. Curabitur imperdiet placerat sem, ut consectetur eros viverra pulvinar. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean magna elit, dapibus ac pretium nec, blandit vel ipsum. Vivamus sagittis magna quis enim rhoncus, vitae tempus magna iaculis. Suspendisse porta auctor nisl id maximus. Quisque vulputate semper magna, id malesuada velit vehicula id. Integer sed consectetur velit, a lacinia lacus. Nulla mattis ipsum ligula, ultricies congue enim commodo sit amet. Donec et mauris convallis, dapibus nisl eu, iaculis odio. Phasellus non eros eu ligula posuere luctus et et leo. Pellentesque ac tortor vitae magna consectetur pulvinar luctus sed quam. Suspendisse ullamcorper at leo at dictum.Suspendisse ultrices, lacus ac hendrerit eleifend, lorem ligula condimentum quam, at luctus felis nisi ut justo. Integer porttitor at libero eu vestibulum. Proin id arcu a sem dictum viverra eget sed nunc. Morbi ultricies sapien ac mattis convallis. Etiam ultrices porta neque non scelerisque. Etiam mollis vestibulum nisi vel placerat. Sed interdum vehicula tortor at gravida. Mauris posuere tellus vel augue bibendum, posuere fermentum ligula eleifend. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi lorem arcu, lobortis at efficitur vitae, egestas vitae dui. Donec facilisis dolor sed gravida commodo. Nulla sit amet quam sit amet elit lobortis pellentesque. Vestibulum ac tempus metus, sit amet auctor metus.Suspendisse ultrices, lacus ac hendrerit eleifend, lorem ligula condimentum quam, at luctus felis nisi ut justo. Integer porttitor at libero eu vestibulum. Proin id arcu a sem dictum viverra eget sed nunc. Morbi ultricies sapien ac mattis convallis. Etiam ultrices porta neque non scelerisque. Etiam mollis vestibulum nisi vel placerat. Sed interdum vehicula tortor at gravida.
10 Fruit & Veggies To Support Your Immune System
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Suspendisse id quam urna. Nunc egestas porta magna ac malesuada.
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